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Ghostrunner review online game

The role of the ninja is not the role that we play in video games, but rather one of the unique and exciting roles that usually lead to the popularity of most games that adopt this idea, such as the most famous series "Ninja Gaiden". Let's Play Game is Ghostrunner's first person hack and slash game. It leads us to a miserable future, so what does this experience look like?

The story takes us into the role of the last ghost infantry. They are a group of people. They have been carefully designed to be completely human-machine integration to obtain the perfect soldier to command and maintain the mega tower. Safety . Be humanity's last resort after a catastrophe that makes life elsewhere on the planet impossible. It will lead you to perform the tasks. The AI ​​version of the architect is one of the versions of artificial intelligence for scientists, as it organizes the tower before its overthrow and assassination. As we mentioned, his colleague Mara (known as the Keymaster) plays a cyberpunk in enclosing the future development of dystopia, it can be said that this is a classic story. In this character, you will know how the events in the story will develop, and you will use these events to prove things that no longer happen, but despite this, we appreciate the excellent vocal performance and the well-performed dialogue of the main character, and so the value of some stories has been added.

The game won't have obvious technical problems, and it looks good visually, including detailing the entire world, from industrially impoverished areas to tall towers that feature ad menus and neon lights. As we mentioned, the colors of the lights are varied and bright, as for the music, the voice performance of the characters is unique, and the game contains a beautiful music album that contains electronic characters and many unforgettable melodies.

Ghostrunner is a very fast experience, which needs to provide an easy-to-use control system, because in addition to the usual sword attack, you can also move, jump, draw and slide in addition to the buttons dedicated to special skills, and the rest depends on your skills, the game does not target any player, but rather targets professional players Who are looking for challenges, and fast return. Requires you to use a sword to fight the enemy. This is accurate. The enemy mostly depends on guns, and death occurs with only one blow, and it gives you a chance in front of the opponent, because continuing to press the button dash while jumping will cause the time to change slowly, so that you can wish or dodge the opponent's bullet with your left hand. Many deaths will occur in the game. This is the reason for the short download times. Challenges in the game are ongoing. Once you get used to a certain type of enemy, you will introduce a new type, and this is a new element in the equation. If you want to overcome the challenges that await you, the experience requires you to focus throughout the game.

In order to give you some additional help, we offer you the Abilities Development Board, some of which will be provided at the beginning of the game, and you can make full use of it in the final stage, and the Development Board is full of functions that appear in the Development Board. The shape of the Tetris stones, you should arrange in the best way to make use of all the white space. These developments are good for you, but they are usually beneficial. Some of them may bring obvious benefits, but they will be specific tax return, such as waiting longer before you can use the pulse force again.

Ghostrunner not only includes combat but also two other aspects of the experience, including how to solve problems in an event-related manner in the digital world, such as hacking into a specific system in the tower or enabling the ability to acquire new special abilities. Your ability to run into fences and similar battles, will continue. The game is in introducing new elements into the environment, so that the experience is constantly updated, over time, you will be able to penetrate certain areas. The system controls the elements in the environment, and due to the ability to jump or slow down time to overcome certain obstacles, you will also encounter a temporary problem.

The different parts of jumping off the platform and overcoming obstacles in the environment are combined with the combat elements, providing us with a well-designed experience, despite the linearity of the game and the need to go from point A to point B. The stages provide you with multiple possibilities to manipulate and attack the enemy, so you can attack the enemy from the right or left, or use the hook to surprise him from above.

The final experience is not complete, we can say that it has two main flaws, the first is the quick response to the enemy, because some enemies barely realize your presence until they shoot you accurately. You are advancing the experience, you will encounter more enemies, and it is very easy to do due to the fast spin. The second problem of the imbalance is that it needs to jump particles from the platform to jump off the wall or to attach to certain elements with high accuracy, and this will make you fall easily because some parts have their own design makes it difficult to claim that they are satisfactory, and you can imagine the extent of these two issues affecting the experience, they are two elements They are fundamental to experience, but they don't happen all the time unless their effect is obvious.

The experience offers many collectible items, including items that give people a deep understanding of the game's world, and some audio recordings that introduce us to some of its characters. This content also provides alternative shapes of swords. It takes 9 hours to complete the game, during which we collected about half of the collectibles, which is a very good age. The game is based on its sins, so the game must be completed before new ideas and new items can be used. It's challenging in many situations, but ultimately an experience for professionals looking for a quick trial to test their abilities and push them to the limits. Class addressed to.
